We at Euro Containers are engaged in manufacturing of an complete range of Anti Static Bag. These bags are widely used in pharmaceutical industries. Dissipative antistatic bags, as the name suggests, are made of food grade polyethylene with a static dissipative coating or layer on the plastic. This prevents buildup of a static charge on the surface of the bag, as it dissipates the charge to ground (i.e., whatever other surface it is touching) This bridge to ground is achieved on the bags surface which attracts moisture that can conduct the charge to another surface, or to the atmosphere itself. In this way, this type is truly 'antistatic' in that it hinders the formation of static charges. , its charge would easily transfer through the bag and its contents. No electrostatic charge is present inside this bag therefore it is used for packaging of bulk drugs that is manufactured by the pharmaceutical industries.<
How Does Anti-Static Bulk Bags Work?
Static electricity is created by an imbalance of electric charge within or on the surface of a material. The charge remains until it is able to move away by means of an electric current or electrical discharge. An electrical discharge is commonly represented in the form of a spark. When bulk bags are filled and discharged, the movement of the material across the bag’s fabric can cause a buildup of static electricity. Electrical sparks can create severe hazards in those industries dealing with flammable substances, where a spark might ignite explosive mixtures. Airborne vapors and dust clouds of finely powdered substances can become combustible or explosive. Every year manufacturing facilities and warehouses across the globe explode or catch fire due to the ignition of their products or raw materials.
Anti-Static Bulk Bags are engineered to control static electricity thereby significantly reducing the risk of a fire or explosion.
Euro Containers
Our finest, well qualified man power which is equipped with the state- of-art machinery, has ensured that we establish ourselves as the most dependable innovators and front runners in the field.